I find myself trying to gather all of the little pieces that are me, trying so desperately to put them back together. By month two, I was able to do this by noon each day. Today, I find myself struggling, dropping the pieces, losing myself in the loss, forgetting myself in the grief. It's the most heartbreaking place I have ever been to. The fact that his life here on earth is over, is a painful realization.
I will push through this hell, that's what I do. Only this time it's going to take a bit longer. And I am going to take my time. I want to feel this. I want to truly feel how much I loved him. I want Heavenly Father to know that this celestial marriage was not in vain. I desperately loved Isaac with all that I had to give. We were truly infatuated with each other. In love from the beginning.
"They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it.
Death cannot kill what never dies"
--William Penn